All posts tagged: Scotch Eggs

When The Egg Came First, At Monkey Bar

I have a habit of asking people what they’d choose if they could eat only one thing for the rest of their lives. Answers have ranged from terrible attempts at humour (food, duh) to the slightly disturbing (onions!), but by far the most practical answer I’ve gotten is from an ex-boss. “Eggs, of course. You can cook them in a million ways,” she told me, in that wry, wise way of hers. I think that’s when I began to see eggs in a different light, and developed a fondness for them that still dictates most of my menu choices.  We had, in fact, been toying with the idea of doing an eggy post for a while. So when we heard that Monkey Bar had expanded their Breakfirst menu, it seemed to be egg-xactly (egg pun 1) the angle we were looking for.